Our Values
We aim to provide a more bespoke and personal service than that provided by the bigger operators; a service that can legitimately claim to be high quality.
To do this we have identified various aspects of care provision where we believe that Cloud Homecare can make a difference.
- Cloud Homecare acknowledges that everybody’s needs are different and can change on a day to day basis. The aim, therefore, is to provide a flexible service that matches those needs. We are not in the business of dashing off to the next appointment when a client needs us to stay a little longer. We have sufficient flexibility built into our system to allow our care workers to stay with a client until they are comfortable.
- Cloud Homecare places great emphasis on what is known as ‘continuity of care’ so that clients can get to know their care workers. This is particularly important for dementia sufferers who like to be able to recognise a familiar face. Each client therefore has a small team of dedicated and professionally trained care workers whom they can get to know and trust.
- Cloud Homecare integrates its services with the care given by relatives, friends and neighbours. Very often the initial contact with us will be by a potential client’s son or daughter, and there may well already exist a support network of relatives, friends and neighbours. These people not only provide care but also valuable social contact, and so we like to see our work as complementing theirs and enabling them to spend ‘quality’ time with their loved ones.